It’s been a while since I’ve published, but…

Not because I haven’t been writing, but because I’ve been in school full time and not sure how to balance the romance writing with the chaos of education.  A degree is a good thing. A degree with a 4.0 GPA is even better. Just saying. Law school won’t let me in if I’m a loser.

Remember This Summer- Free with KU

Remember this Summer $2.99 for Kindle, free with Kindle Unlimited Kate’s grandmother tricks her into moving to Tampa to run her bakery for the summer so Kate tricks her right back by remodeling it with the help of her neighbors and friends. She’s determined to fund the project with tips from her side-job as a […]

Sneak Peek from Personal Assets

Amanda “Why Portland, Kels?” “Because I don’t want to meet up with anyone I know and because none of the men here interest me. If they’ve chosen to live here then they’re already not interesting. I’ve always wanted out of Bend and if I have someone there who is helping me out, I’m more likely […]

Inspired Again

Ugh, a few months ago I was all gung ho to get these books edited professionally and start writing romance again and I think I just flaked big time. That’s OK, I happen to know that only like 12 people are reading this blog and I am SURE they have other resources. Until then, I […]

Jane also reads

In my quest to fully immerse myself in the world of writing and romance, I’ve been reading romance novels on kindle. Syncing each of my devices was a bit tricky, I have an iPhone, an iPad and a Macbook Air. At some point, I must have changed my Amazon password or something because each of […]