5 things I love about Romance Writing

I swear, I have chosen the best new career. I’ve never been so welcomed into a community, especially one that’s so much fun. Here are the top five things I love about being a romance writer (in no particular order)

1- My colleagues are all insanely helpful and genuinely NICE PEOPLE. I’ve never seen a business where competitors are rooting for one another so fiercely.

2- Sharing photos of sexy mean is totally expected and appreciated

rw3- Overall, nobody yucks anyone else’s yum. So you’re into vampire fiction? cool. You’re into bondage? cool. You’re into animals that turn into men and f–k the daylights out of you? cool. You’re into pregnant gay men? cool. I mean… whatever floats your boat. There’s so many things in the world to be contentious about, someone else’s pleasure should NOT be a point of conflict. (Unless it’s against the other party’s will- then, I object)

4- Romance readers are ridiculously forgiving. I left out an entire scene from a book and a reviewer still left me a kind and constructive review. Luckily I was able to upload a new version of the file so Remember this Moment actually does resolve the “Taco Tuesday” conversation, but damn. What was I thinking?

5- I used to work > full time and then come home and fantasize about sex. Now I fantasize about sex all day and get paid for it. Do what you love; love what you do.